Saturday, 27 March 2010

She's Alive!

My first trip to London Town today - very exciting... that's if it wasnt to have someone stick electrodes into my leg. As mentioned in previous posts, the Doc was worried that my quad muscle wasn't working due to some sort of nerve damage, so I was sent to a specialist... hmmm, lets call him, oh I don't know.. DR FRANKENSTEIN. Who tried to create some life into my pale mutilated stitched up skinny excuse for a leg by way of electric shock treatment. FUN. It was not fun. I do have an interesting fact though people..seeing as I have nothing better to do on a Saturday night than google images of Frankenstien, I have learned that Frankenstein was in fact the dr's name and not the monster's. Every day's a school day. To complete the look please see below for one of my scars. If only I had a fancy dress party to go to. Anyway, it was good news i think, the old doc managed to voodoo me enough to see some sort of result.

Also on the good news front...all fans of Tom from below post will be thrilled to know, not only is there an accompanying slide show and video to Emily: The broken leg years...there is now a theme tune. Oh yes. Lovely Tom has informed me that he has written a song about my leg and is in the process of recording it. In his shed I think. Amazing. So if copyright restrictions allow, I'll get it up on here as soon as poss. Maybe we can release it and I can get on This Morning and talk about how it got me through the bad times. Or maybe it will become a YouTube phenomenon. The power is in your hands!

Right, to bed. It's been one crazy saturay night - just finished watching a movie with the parentals. By the way is it still really juvanile to get embarrassed at scenes of a sexual nature in front of your parents at this age? It reminds me of when I watched Pretty Woman aged about 12 with my Dad. My Dad! I wanted to die right there in my Hypercolour tracksuit. Shit, the hypercolour super technology must've gone into overload with heat actually. Never thought of that. I bet I actually turned a different colour. Ha. Anyway, on that note I sign off... Well when I say sign off what i mean is go on to ebay and see if there are any hypercolour t shirts for sale.


  1. Pretty Woman is nothing. Try Howard the Duck. At least Pretty Woman is same species. And you go in knowing it's a film about a hooker. Not a fucking duck. You're scar's cooler than mine - it's got a satellite mini scar. Gutted. x

  2. I just can't work out what part of your leg that is? Loving the hypercolour, though I can remember it being particularly good at showing off your armpit heat. Not ideal. Hope frankenleg is healing well x

  3. Oli Christiansen14 April 2010 at 21:38

    Try Revenge of the Nerds, with little recaps of the dirtiest parts going into each ad break. "We Have Bush!!!!!" at 11 with Dad is damaging. Damaging. x
